911 saves seconds…..seconds saves lives
The Green Lake County Public Service Answering Point (PSAP) is responsible for answering all calls for service, emergency and non-emergency (police, fire, and emergency medical) in Green Lake County and parts of Marquette, Waushara, and Winnebago counties. The Green Lake County PSAP, or more commonly referred to as a Dispatch or Communications Center, is staffed 24/7/365 by two Communications Officers. Both Communications Officers are cross-trained and take all types of calls for service from giving directions to intense emergencies – they never really know what the next event will be.
If you call, be prepared to answer questions about your situation, don’t hang up, stay on the line. Your information helps us send the right resources which translates into getting you and others the help they need as quickly as possible.
What to Expect When You Call 911
Hopefully you will never need to call 911, but if you do, it should be comforting to know that the person you will be talking to is a trained professional who handles many different types of emergencies every day.
The person you will talk to at the Green Lake County Sheriff’s Communications Center is a trained Public Safety Call Taker, and also a licensed Emergency Medical Dispatcher (EMD) who is uniquely trained to provide clinical expertise for pre-hospital emergencies. This person is considered the first “first responder” and will provide specific instructions on what to do for this emergency or how to care for the victim until firefighters and paramedics arrive. The Public Safety Call Taker will systematically guide you through the process with unique questions and directions based upon the specific nature of the emergency.
The first few questions the Public Safety Call Taker will ask include the address of the emergency, telephone number, the caller’s name and type of emergency.
If it’s a fire related call, the Public Safety Call Taker will ask where the fire is, the status of the occupants and have them leave the structure.
If it’s an EMS call, the Public Safety Call Taker will ask where the emergency is, the age, conscious and breathing status of the victim. As soon as the Public Safety Call Taker receives these pieces of pertinent information, emergency units will be simultaneously dispatched to the scene of the emergency while the Public Safety Call Taker remains on the telephone to obtain further information about the patient’s condition. Then, depending on the nature of call, the Public Safety Call Taker will ask anywhere from 3-10 more questions relating specifically to the medical emergency they are having. The Public Safety Call Taker will also provide Pre-Arrival Instructions/Post-Dispatch Instructions when appropriate.
The following is an excerpt of a typical 911 call for a choking victim:
“What is the address of the emergency?”
“What is the phone number you are calling from?”
“Okay, tell me exactly what happened.”
“How old is he?”
“Is he awake?”
“Is he completely alert?”
“Is he breathing normally?”
“Is he able to talk?”
“What did he choke on?”
“Stay on the line and I will tell you what to do next…”
Based on the answers received, the Public Safety Call Taker will provide specific, step-by-step, potentially life-saving instructions. Remember, the paramedics are not being delayed during these additional questions and instructions.
Understanding the 911 process and being prepared will help the Green Lake County Emergency Services provide you with the most effective and timely assistance during an emergency.
Copy LinkWhat Agencies Do We Serve
Green Lake County Public Safety Communications
We are the primary 9-1-1 answering and dispatching point for the following agencies:
- Green Lake County Sheriff’s Office
- Berlin Police Department
- Green Lake Police Department
- Princeton Police Department
- Markesan Police Department
- Green Lake Fire Department
- Berlin Fire Department
- Princeton Fire Department
- Markesan Fire Department
- Dalton Fire Department
- Kingston Fire Department
- Marquette Fire Department
- Green Lake EMS
- Berlin EMS
- Princeton EMS
- Southern Green Lake Ambulance Service
- Green Lake County Emergency Management
- Green Lake County Health and Human Services
- Green Lake County Coroner
Accidental 911 Calls
“Every year, the Sheriff’s Office E911 Center receives dozens of accidental dials for 911………….”
Tips on avoiding accidental dials:
-Using the keypad lock function on your phone. This function can stop a phone from responding to the touchpad doing anything until a pin number/ or pattern is used to unlock your phone.
-Turning off the 911 auto-dial feature, if your phone has one.
-Install an App Google Play has apps designed to confirm a phone call after you enter the number to verify that you are wanting to call this number.
– Older phones that no longer have a plan or is not activated can still dial 911- remove the battery, place on airplane mode, and disable call making abilities.
What to do if you do accidentally call:
-Stay on the line. All calls will be followed up on. Accidents are accidents and to cut down on time stay on the line.
-Provide your name and location. If you accidentally dialed 911, you’re not in trouble. Officers will just stop by, say hello and confirm no emergency and be on their way. Dialers who call 911 to ask for directions, dial with the intent to jam up the lines, or to harass public safety telecommunicators will be cited and/or dealt with according to law.
Copy LinkWhat Numbers Do I Call For Non-Emergency Assistance?
You may contact 920-294-4000 to report a non-emergency to the Green Lake County Sheriff’s Office
361-0444 – Berlin Police Department
398-2121 – Markesan Police Department
295-6250 – Princeton Police Department
294-6333 – Green Lake Police Department
Copy Link"Oh Deer!" - What To Do When You Hit A Deer!!
First move your vehicle to a safe place. If possible, pull over to the side of the road and turn your hazard lights on. If you must leave your vehicle, stay off the road and out of the way of oncoming vehicles.
If you believe the damage to your vehicle is over $1000 or there are injuries to yourself or passengers, call the Sheriff’s Office or Police Department (if you are in a City). Also call the Sheriff’s Office/Police Department if the deer is in the roadway, creating a threat for other drivers.
If you do not know the number to the local law enforcement agency or you do not know where you are, call 911.
Wis. Stat. s. 29.349 now allows for possession and removal of a deer carcass from the scene of an accident once an individual notifies DNR by calling 608-267-7691 and provides their name, address, and the carcass location. This notification must be completed BEFORE taking possession or removing the carcass from the scene.
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What is CodeRED?
(To sign up for CodeRED, please see the related links section to the right of this page)
CodeRED is an emergency notification service by which public safety can notify residents and businesses by telephone or cellular phone about emergency situations. The system is capable of sending messages only to specific neighborhoods or the entire community.
Frequently Asked Questions About the CodeRED Emergency Notification System
What is CodeRED and why is it important to me?
CodeRED is an emergency notification service by which public safety can notify residents and businesses by telephone or cellular phone about emergency situations. The system is capable of sending messages only to specific neighborhoods or the entire community.
Does this mean that I will be called constantly?
No. CodeRED will be used when emergency situations arise that you should know about.
For what kinds of situations will CodeRED be used?
Severe weather situations, substantial utility outage, evacuation notices, missing or lost persons, fires or floods, major roadway issues, significant criminal situations, chemical spills or gas leaks. In short, CodeRED can be used for any emergency alert.
Why do I need CodeRED when I have TV to keep me informed?
CodeRED is provides an additional level of safety. If power goes out, you may not be able to depend upon TV. However, because telephone lines are self-powered and most people now have cell phones, we can continue to keep you informed through messages delivered by CodeRED.
How do I know if my phone number is included in the CodeRED service?
All listed and unlisted residential and business phone numbers are included in the CodeRED service. If you have moved or changed your telephone number recently, you should update your information using the CodeRED “Residential Data Collection” sign up form by clicking here. Your old information will automatically be replaced by the new.
If you do not have access to the internet at home, please consider using a computer at your local library, or ask a friend or family member for assistance. On-line registration is the most efficient, accurate and private way to supply your information. To register a cell phone, or to update your information on-line, you might first have to adjust your internet browser to enable cookies, otherwise you may receive an error message. A local Customer Service Line 508-563-4479 has been setup for those without internet access. You will be prompted to leave your name, address and number you wish to add.
The registration form only allows me to enter a primary and secondary telephone number. What if I want to register additional numbers for my address?
After you submit the initial registration form, you may start the registration process again and submit more numbers for the same address.
How will I recognize a CodeRED message?
A CodeRED message will have a caller ID 866-419-5000. We suggest you program this number in your cell phone as a “new contact” and use “CodeRED” as the contact name. If you need to replay the emergency notification message, simply dial this number and you will be able to hear the message again. A CodeRED message will usually begin, “This is the Green Lake County Sheriff’s Office with an emergency message from (your local police department)”.
What should I do if I receive a CodeRED message?
Listen carefully to the entire message. If will be brief and will not be repeated. Follow the instructions given. You may be directed to a commercial TV or radio station for further information. Do not hang up until you have heard the entire message or you might miss vital information. Do not call 911 for further information unless directed to do so or if you need immediate aide from the Police, EMS or Fire department.
I have a cordless phone, and it does not work when the power goes out. How am I going to get the CodeRED message?
There are two ways you can continue to receive telephone messages from the city through CodeRED:
1. Make sure you have at least one working corded telephone – and be sure to turn the ringer on.
2. The CodeRED “Residential Data Collections” sign up from gives you the option of filling in both a Primary Phone number and an alternative phone number. You can fill in the Alternative Phone number with another contact numbers such as your cell phone number or work number. Entering in an alternative phone number will cause BOTH your primary and alternative phone numbers to be called.
Will CodeRED leave a message on a machine?
Yes, CodeRED will leave a message on a machine or on voice mail. Part of the CodeRED solution is the patented ability to recognize answering devices and leave the message completely in one pass.
What happens if the line is busy?
If the line is busy, CodeRED will try two more times to connect.
What circumstances might prohibit CodeRED from delivering a message to me? If you have only cordless phones in your residence, the power is out and you have not registered an alternate phone number, CodeRED will not be able to contact you.
If your line is busy for an extended period and your calls do not forward to voice mail or an answering machine in a busy condition, after three tries, CodeRED will stop calling your number. It’s best to have an alternate phone number in the calling database for these situations.
If you have a privacy manager on your main phone service, CodeRED will not be able to contact you unless you have registered an alternate number that will accept the call.
(To sign up for CodeRED, please see the related links section to the right of this page)
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