Mission Statement
Green Lake County Correctional Facility
The Green Lake County Correctional Facility is a 108 bed newly constructed facility that was completed and operational July, 2010.
The mission of the Green Lake County Correctional Facility is to be a model organization for corrections by implementing a comprehensive assessment of offenders, collaborating with local agencies to offer a variety of proactive, therapeutic, and academic programs, promoting community involvement through mentorship, maintaining a safe and secure environment for staff, offenders, and the public and reducing recidivism by returning offenders back to society as contributing members of their community.
Copy LinkStaff Directory and Phone Tree Information
Lori Leahy – Administrator
920-294-4059 ext 1150
Jenn Walker – Sergeant
920-294-4059 ext 1136
Kaitlyn Frederick – Sergeant
920-294-4059 ext 1136
Corrections Nurse
920-294-4059 ext 1342
Lynn Ryan – Corrections Division Clerk
920-294-4059 ext 1129
Schedule an Inmate Visit
920-294-4059 ext 1359
Corrections Staff
Emergency Messages for Inmates
& Huber Inmate Messages for Staff 920-294-4059 Option 2
General Corrections Information
920-294-4059 Option 1
Green Lake County Correctional Facility Visitation Hours
Visitation Schedule:
Friday 2:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Saturday/Sunday 9:00 am – 10:00 pm
- No visitation during meal service:
- Lunch: 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
- Dinner: 5 pm – 6:30 pm
- Visits are limited to 30 minutes per visitation day.
- Cell phones are not allowed in the visitation area.
The number of weekly visits allowed is determined by an inmate’s classification.
- Maximum = 1 visit per week
- Medium = 2 visits per week
- Minimum = 3 visits per week
All visits must be pre-scheduled. Before a visit may be scheduled, inmates must submit a completed Inmate Visitor List including name, date of birth, address and phone number. The visitor list is limited to five (5) adult visitors. Visitors under the age of eighteen (18) are not required to be on the visitor list to visit; however, must be accompanied by their parent or guardian that is on the list.
Visits must be scheduled during business hours (8:00am-4:00pm), Monday-Friday. Weekly visits must be scheduled by 4:00 PM, Thursday; any requests made on Friday will be scheduled for the following week.
To schedule a visit, please call the GLCCF at 920-294-4059, Ext. 3 to speak to the Corrections Division Clerk.
Attached is a listing of the Rules for Visitation.
Failure to follow these rules may result in immediate and/or permanent termination of visitation privileges.
Copy LinkProfessional Visitation
Professional visits include visits from public defenders, attorneys, clergy, probation & parole, mental health and social workers.
Professional visitors will be allowed to visit inmates during daytime hours from 8:00AM-12:00PM and 1:30PM-4:30PM, any visits outside of these hours would have to be scheduled in advance.
Law enforcement, probation & parole officers, and attorneys will not be restricted to these hours and may interview inmates upon request to correctional staff.
Attorneys that wish to visit with inmate clients must do so in the designated secure professional visitation booths in the correctional facility and court processing area.
Copy LinkBeginning a Sentence
- Contact Corrections Administration to set up a time to check in in accordance with your Judgement of Conviction (JOC).
- Once your report date is set, it cannot be canceled/rescheduled.
- Failure to report to jail is a criminal offense and may result in additional jail time per Wisconsin Statute §946.425.
- Your JOC will tell you whether or not you have been granted Huber privileges, it is not up to the discretion of the jail.
- If you have a vehicle, please park it in front of the Corrections Entrance on the South side of the building.
- You will be drug and alcohol tested upon checking-in.
Please adhere to the Check-In Informational Packet.
If you arrive with items that are not allowed, they will be confiscated.
Huber Information and Electronic Monitoring Program (EMP)
On your report date, please report on time to the Green Lake County Correctional Facility lobby. If you have a vehicle, park it in the lot near the Huber entrance on the south side of the building. You will be drug and alcohol tested upon arrival. Any positive tests will result in loss of work privileges. You shall have all of the required documents, fees, and any work clothes that you will need during your stay.
The Huber packet will give you detailed information on what you will need to report with, and what will be expected of you while you are here. Please remember that huber law is a privilege, not a right. Abuse of that privilege may result in its loss. If you have any questions that this packet cannot answer, please call the Green Lake County Correctional Facility at 920-294-4059, Ext 3.
When arriving at the Jail please ensure the packet is fully filled out and any required items and information is brought with you at the time of check-in. Failure to abide with all requirements may delay you from going out to work. Also please ensure your employer has filled out and signed a work schedule from our facility. This will need to be updated weekly and sent to our facility. Failure to do so will prohibit you from getting out to work.
Inmate requests to transfer to the Green Lake County Correctional Facility to serve an out-of-county sentence will be accepted on a case by case basis. An inmate requesting to transfer to Green Lake County must be employed within Green Lake County or the City of Ripon. Inmates requesting transfer to another county from the Green Lake County Correctional Facility will be subject to all fees and admission requirements of the county they wish to transfer to.
Huber Appointment/Stop Schedule
Huber Letter and Information for Employers
Electronic Montioring Program
The Green Lake County Jail Electronic Monitoring Program is an opportunity that is available to inmates who meet the qualifications. The Electronic Monitoring Program is a privilege – not a right. The Electronic Monitoring Program allows inmates to serve their jail sentences outside the Jail. This will allow them to maintain family relationships and fulfill their employment responsibilities more efficiently. To be eligible for the Electronic Monitoring Program, the inmate must live and work in Green Lake County. See the EMP application packet for more details.
The applicants of the Electronic Monitoring Program must complete the booklet and send it to our mailing address. If you have any questions about the program, you may call the EMP Coordinator. Once the application is received, it will be reviewed and a written response will be sent to you with the decision if you are accepted or denied for the program.
To be placed on the Electronic Monitoring Program, an inmate must be serious about serving their sentence in a cooperative and positive manner.
Inmates in the Electronic Monitoring Program must meet the same requirements for employment as is required of Huber Law inmates in the Green Lake County Jail.
Inmates who are not able to abide by the rules of the Electronic Monitoring Program will lose the benefits the program offers and will be returned to jail for the remainder of their sentence.
At the discretion of the staff, inmates selected for the program may do all or only part of their sentence on the program. Electronic Monitoring Program inmates will be required to sign an agreement to follow all program rules.
Copy Link
Community Service (CS)
Community Service
The Green Lake County Correctional Facility’s community service program has provided tens of thousands of community service hours to non-profit organizations and municipalities within Green Lake County. Over twenty-five different organizations and municipalities have benefited from the use of community service workers. This program allows the inmate to “pay back” to society and gives them the opportunity to build positive work references and contacts. This program also allows those organizations using community service workers some relief with ever tightening budgets.
Inmates who abide by all of the terms and conditions of the program will be eligible for sentence reduction. Per state statute, for every twenty-four hours of community service worked, one day will potentially be taken off of an inmate’s sentence with court approval.
The applicants of the Community Service Program must complete the booklet and bring it with them at their scheduled jail check-in time. If you have any questions about the program, you may call the Community Service Officer (920-294-4059 ext 7.) Once the application is received, it will be reviewed and a written response will be sent to you with the decision if you are accepted or denied for the program.
To be placed on the Community Service Program, an inmate must be serious about serving their sentence in a cooperative and positive manner. Inmates in the Community Service Program must meet the same requirements for employment as is required of Huber Law inmates in the Green Lake County Jail.
Inmates who are not able to abide by all of the rules of the Community Service Program may lose the benefits the program offers and may not receive a reduction in their jail sentence. Community Service Program inmates will be required to sign an agreement to follow all program rules.
Community Service Requirements/Conditions
Interested in using a community service worker? To qualify for community service help you must be a licensed non-profit organization by the State of Wisconsin and be located in Green Lake County, or be a municipality of Green Lake County. Contact the Corrections Administrator for more information. Community service help is based on availability of workers and a first come-first serve basis.
Copy LinkBail Bond Procedures
Green Lake County Correctional staff shall collect bond monies by deposit using the Stellar Kiosk in the Jail lobby or in the form of cash or debit cards only if bond is posted for subjects that are not in custody at the Green Lake County Correctional Facility.
The Kiosk machine will accept cash or debit cards only, no credit cards. It will also assess a $2.00 fee for every separate cash transaction and a 10% fee for any debit transaction; we do not provide change. If there is an overage paid, the inmate will be given a check from the Correctional Facility in their name upon release if they do not have any debt accrued.
Once you have arrived at the Correction’s lobby entrance on the South side of the building, please notify corrections staff before you begin paying anybody’s bond. Failure to notify staff may result in your money not being charged to the right account and delay the process.
If it is during daytime hours when the Green Lake County Clerk of Courts Office is open, bond posters will be sent to that office for Green Lake County bonds only, to post bond.
Bail Bond Notices:
1. If you are about to post bond for an individual arrested on a felony or misdemeanor, be advised that the Court MUST apply that money towards any fines or court costs imposed pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes §969.02 and §969.03. An appearance in court or a finding of guilty does NOT guarantee the return of the bond money posted for any offense.
2. Disposition of the money posted will not occur until the case has been concluded.
3. If the money deposited is applied towards any fines and court costs, the recovery of the money is a matter between parties and not the court.
Copy LinkFrequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
What is the mailing address for an inmate?
* 571 County Road A
Green Lake,WI 54941
What may not be mailed to an inmate?
* Envelopes without a full name and return address.
* Envelopes containing graffiti.
* Mail that is heavily soiled with cologne, perfume, or any other
* Mail that contains:
– Polaroids
– Pre-stamped envelopes
– Stamps
– Writing paper
– Anything deemed contraband by corrections staff.
* If any of the above mentioned items are received they will be
returned to sender or placed in the inmate’s property until
they are released.
* Packages and boxes will not be accepted, and they will be returned to sender.
How do I deposit money on an Inmate’s account?
* Jail Lobby Kiosk (Cash or Debit Card only)
– Any transactions using the Jail Kiosk will be assessed a fee.
All cash transactions will require an additional $2.00 fee.
All debit transactions will require a 10% fee.
For example if you place $50 cash on someone’s account there
will be a $2 fee that comes off of that. The inmate will
receive $48.
If you place $50 using a debit card there will be a 10% fee that
comes off that ($5 for this transaction,) and they will receive $45.
* Money orders (Mail Only.)
* Certified checks issued by a financial institution (Mail Only.)
* Third party, Cashier’s checks, and personal checks will not
be accepted.
How do I resolve phone issues or open an account?
* Contact Reliance customer service by calling: 1-800-896-3201
or go to their website: http://www.reliancetelephone.com.
How do I leave an emergency message for an inmate?
* Messages will not be relayed to an inmate unless it is an
emergency in nature. All messaged will be reviewed by
corrections staff who will determine any actions taken. The
phone number is 920-294-4059 Ext. 2. Please leave your
name and a return phone number in case corrections staff
would like to follow up with you.
How do I pick up an inmate’s property?
* An inmate must fill out a “Property Release Form” at least 24
hours in advance and turn it in to correctional staff.
* The individual named on the form may pick up the property at
the correctional facility lobby after presenting photo
identification to correctional staff.
What can and can’t be brought in for an inmate?
* Medications that are in their original packaging and that
coincide with the label on the package will be accepted.
It must be the Inmate’s own prescribed medications. Mixed
medications WILL NOT be accepted.
* Application forms may be dropped off.
* No money of any kind will be accepted. A kiosk is located in
the jail lobby to place money on their account. All other
accepted forms need to be mailed in.
* No mail of any kind will be allowed; it must be sent through
the U.S. Postal Service.
* Anything considered contraband by corrections staff will not
be allowed.
* If you have any questions about a particular item(s), you may
bring the item(s) to the Jail lobby and request to speak to
corrections staff.
Civilian Fingerprinting, DNA Collection, Face to Face Registration
Civilian Fingerprinting:
1. An appointment must be made with the Corrections Administrator
(CA) or their designee.
2. Fingerprinting will take place in the court processing room.
3. A photo ID will be required.
4. There is a fee of $20 per card for Green Lake County residents.
5. There is a fee of $30 per card for out of county residents.
DNA Collection:
1. DNA collection will be completed for felony offenders required
by the court to submit to DNA swabbing collection.
2. Appointments for DNA collection must be made with the CA or their designee.
3. A photo ID will be required at the time of appointment.
4. DNA collection will take place in the court processing room.
Face to Face Registration:
1. Individuals required by Probation and Parole to report for Face
to Face registration must make an appointment with the CA or their designee for
2. A photo ID will be required along with a Face to Face
registration form from their agent.
3. The registration will take place in the court processing room.
4. The CA or their designee shall sign the Face to Face registration form and return
it to the subject.
Helpful Links
Wisconsin Vine Network
WI-Vine Victim Information and Notification Everyday
Reliance Telephone
Inmate Phone Services
Wisconsin Department of Justice – Crime Victim Services
Links to victim services of various crimes for the state of
Wisconsin Circuit Court Access
Provides access to certain public records of the circuit
courts of Wisconsin.