Highway Committee


The responsibilities, powers, and duties of the Highway Committee are as follows, per Wisconsin Statutes, ss. 83.015(2): The County Highway Committee shall purchase and sell County road machinery as authorized by the County Board, determine whether each piece of County aid construction shall be let by contract or shall be done by day labor, enter into contracts in the name of the County, and make necessary arrangements for the proper prosecution of the construction and maintenance of highways provided for by the County Board, enter private lands with their employees to remove weeds and brush and erect or remove fences that are necessary to keep highways open for travel during the winter, direct the expenditure of highway maintenance funds received from the State or provided by County tax, meet from time to time at the County seat to audit all payrolls and material claims and vouchers resulting from the construction of highways, and perform other duties imposed by law or by the County Board. The Highway Committee shall have the power and duty to develop, manage and maintain the grounds of the county parks system. The county parks system includes any designated park, access to lakes and streams, the trout rearing ponds, public recreational trails, and any other park or recreation project that is owned by the county and approved by the County Board. The Highway department shall perform grounds maintenance – lawn mowing, brushing, spring and fall opening and closing of parks grounds; maintenance of picnic tables, piers, fences; and other grounds related maintenance functions. This work will be done under the direction of the county Highway Commissioner The Highway Committee shall have the duty and responsibility of developing, coordinating, and updating the five year Parks and Recreation Plan and any other plan for recreational development in Green Lake County in cooperation with the Department of Natural Resources. Plans shall be developed by the Resource Agent at the direction and approval of the Committee. All plans shall be submitted to the County Board for final approval. For acquiring, developing and maintaining the parks and any other recreational project, whenever possible the Committee shall make application for grants and aids from the state and federal Fish and Game Funds, Outdoor Recreation Aids, Land and Water Conservation Fund, Waterways Commission Funds, Stewardship Funds, and any other such fund available for park, trail or project acquisition and development.


The Highway Committee consists of five (5) members elected at the Organizational Meeting of the County Board, in even numbered years.



Elizabeth Otto

Term Length

Two (2) years or until a successor has been elected or appointed.


Second Wednesday of each month. Green Lake County Government Center, County Board Room, 571 County Road A, Green Lake WI 54941

For the exact date/time and location of meetings, please refer to the calendar of events.

More information can be found in Ordinance 08-2024 regarding the Highway Committee.