Wisconsin has 72 elected Clerks of Circuit Courts.
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Staff Directory
Amy Thoma – Clerk of Courts
Allison Kavanaugh – Deputy Court Records Clerk (PT)
Joy Schwark – Deputy Court Records Clerk
Cindy Werch – Chief Deputy Court Records Clerk
Rachel Belter – Deputy Court Records Clerk
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Paying Fines & Court Costs
You may pay in person at the Clerk of Circuit Court’s Office or you can mail payment to:
Green Lake County Clerk of Circuit Court
571 County Road A
Green Lake, WI 54941
Hours are 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM (Closed on County Holidays)
Payment can be made online at www.allpaid.com.
Click on Search, then enter 4421 (this is the Pay Location Code). Click on Pay This Destination and follow the prompts.
A service fee is charged for the transaction.
You may make payment by phone through AllPaid by dialing 1-888-604-7888
A service fee is charged for the transaction.
Cards accepted through AllPaid are: MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, and most Debit cards.
Payment can also be made online at www.wicourts.gov/ecourts/payonline.
A convenience fee will be charged.
Visa or MasterCard only.
Small Claims
Starting the Small Claims action
Action is begun by completing a Small Claims Summons and Complaint. This form (SC-500) may be obtained from the Clerk of Court’s office or downloaded on the web site at www.wicourts.gov. Although the Clerk of Court’s office can assist with the paperwork, we cannot give legal advice; we can only suggest that you consult with an attorney.
Completing the Small Claims Summons and Complaint
The plaintiff’s name and address must be inserted on the form. The defendant’s name, street and mailing address must be inserted in order to serve the papers on the defendant. Check the box for the type of action. Write down the full description of your claim. Be as specific as possible. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO ATTACH ANY DOCUMENTS THAT SUPPORT YOUR CLAIM i.e. INVOICES, STATEMENTS, ETC. Provide the appropriate copies for filing – The original is to be filed with the Court, a copy provided to the plaintiff and to EACH named defendant. If you mail in your Summons and Complaint for filing, please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope so that the remaining copies may be returned to you.
Filing fees and service costs
The cost for filing a Small Claims action is $94.50 and must be paid at the time of filing. The papers must then be served on the defendant(s) by: Regular mail – A $2.00 fee for each defendant is paid to the Clerk upon filing. Defendant must reside in Green Lake County. EXCEPTION: Eviction actions require personal service regardless of the county in which the defendant resides. Personal Service – The papers can be served by the Sheriff’s Department in the county the defendant resides in or by a Private Process Server. When service is obtained, you will be sent a Certificate of Service, which must be filed with the Clerk of Court’s office prior to court date.
Return date and appearances
Small Claims initial return dates are held on Mondays at 1:30 PM. The plaintiff is not required to appear at the return date unless the matter is regarding an eviction. The defendant may appear on the return date or file a written answer prior to the return date. If the defendant does not appear or file a written answer, the Court may grant a default judgment to the plaintiff. The defendant MUST appear at the return date if the matter is regarding an eviction.
Financial Disclosure Statements
When a judgment is granted for money, the Clerk will send a Notice of Entry of Judgment to the parties. The losing party (debtor) is also sent a Financial Disclosure Statement, a disclosure of their income and assets. This must be completed and returned to the plaintiff (creditor) within 15 days, unless the debtor pays the judgment in full before that time. If the Financial Disclosure Statement is not received, the creditor may request a hearing finding the debtor in contempt of court. The creditor must complete and a Motion and Order for Hearing on Contempt form which may be obtained from the Clerk’s office or off the web site.
Please contact the Clerk of Court’s Office at (920) 294-4142 if you have any questions regarding Small Claims Procedures.
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