- Elderly Services
- Developmental Disabilities Services
- Long Term Care Services
Aging Unit serves persons age 60+. Provides services including the following: congregate nutrition program, homebound meal program, transportation, commodities, elder abuse, elderly benefit specialist, peer counseling, and advocacy.
Provision of Long-Term Support services for the elderly and disabled through State, Federal and local programs: Community Integration Program (CIP), Community Options Program (COP) and Medical Assistance (MA).
Provides Guardianship; Abuse and Neglect services to vulnerable adults.
See Aging & Disability website for more information.
Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC)
Website: www.adrcinformation.org
The Aging & Disability Resource Center serving Adams, Green Lake, Marquette, and Waushara counties provides information and assistance to older and disabled adults, their friends, family, caregivers and the general public. We can assist by evaluating your current needs and help provide options available to meet the needs of your personal situation.
Assists with appropriate referrals to other agencies based on customers’ requests and needs. The staff is trained and knowledgeable about agencies and programs that specialize in services for older adults and persons with disabilities.
Dedicated to helping you or your loved one by providing assistance to support and meet your individual situation.
Copy LinkAlzheimer's Family and Caregiver Support
This program provides funding for services needed by the caregiver or family members of the Alzheimer’s patient. Services could include respite for the caregiver, assistance with housekeeping, adult day care, information and referral, special adaptive equipment and transportation reimbursement. A physician’s diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease or one of 9 other dementias is necessary for eligibility for this program. Funding of services is based on income and expenses incurred by the Alzheimer’s patient. Call the ADRC for more information.
Copy LinkBenefit Specialist Program
The Benefit Specialists provide direct services and representation to individuals on all state, federal and county benefit programs and acts as an advocate on their behalf with information and assistance. This service, provided through county and tribal ADRC’s is supported by legal back-up through various state advocacy organizations without any charge to the senior citizen.
Copy LinkDisability Benefit Specialist Program
The Disability benefit specialist (DBS) helps answer questions and solve problems related to Social Security, Medicare, health insurance and other public and private benefits for people with disabilities. They serve people ages 18-59 with a physical or a developmental disability, a mental illness or a substance abuse disorder. Services are free and confidential.
Copy LinkElder Abuse
Elder Abuse/Vulnerable Adult Abuse Reporting Abuse can be physical, financial, neglect by a caretaker/other or self-neglect. Abuse services include confidential phone counseling on abuse issues, which include: crisis intervention, linkage of services, in-home assessments, community education, guardianships and advocacy.
Copy LinkElderly Nutrition Program Meal Site locations
Green Lake County Elder Nutrition Program
The Markesan, Princeton and Berlin Senior Dining Sites are open for In-house dining.
Green Lake County Elder Nutrition Program has three dining centers located at the following locations:
Calvary Chapel Church
649 N. Margaret Street
To order or cancel a meal, please call 920-299-1228 one weekday in advance.
Lunch served at 12:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday.
Princeton Senior Center
212 S. Howard Street
To order or cancel a meal, please call the Aging unit at 920-294-4070 one weekday in advance.
Lunch served at 11:30a.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday.
Berlin Senior Center
142 Water Street
Please call 920-361-5422 one business day in advance to order a meal.
Lunch is served at 12:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Carryout meal service is available, with pick up time between 11:15 am- 11:30 am.
A delicious and nutritious lunch is provided for anyone age 60+ (and spouse if under 60 years) at any of the above dining centers. The suggested contribution is $5.00 (effective January 1, 2024) per meal.
If under age 60 years, total meal cost is $15.01 for Carry Out Meals and $13.02 for in-house dining (effective August 4, 2023).
For information on Home Delivered Meals, please call Green Lake County at 920-294-4070.
Copy LinkFamily Care
What is Family Care?
Family Care is a program that provides a full range of long-term care services, all through one flexible benefit program. Long term care is any service or support that a person may need as a result of a disability, getting older, or having a chronic illness that limits the ability to do the things that people need to do throughout the course of the day. There are a variety of services and supports available in Family Care that can help people do these things independently or with the support of some else.
What is a Managed Care Organization?
When a person decides to enroll in Family Care, they become a member of a managed care organization (MCO), which manages and delivers the Family Care Benefit. The Family Care benefit combines funding and services from a variety or existing programs into one flexible long-term care benefit, tailored to each individual’s needs, circumstances and preferences.
How does Family Care Work?
When you are a participate in a Family Care program, a team of people con together to help you identify what sort of assistance you might need and work with you to arrange your long-term care services. You are an active participant on the team that also includes, at a minimum, a care-manager and a registered nurse. You can choose to include family members or loved ones on your team.
- People participate in determining the service they receive.
- People chose services providers from a comprehensive network.
- People receive the services they need through one benefit.
- People receive services that best achieve the results they desire.
Who is Eligible?
The Family Care benefit is available through Managed Care Organization (MCO). MCO’s serve people in three primary target groups who have long-term care condition expected to last for more than 90 days and are medical assistance. The three Family Care target groups are
- Frail Older Adults (65 years or older)
- People with Physical Disabilities (17 years, 9 months or older)
- People with Development Disabilities (17 years, 9 months or older)
Application Process:
There are three steps to determining eligibility and enrolling in Family Care. The Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) will be able to assist applicants with these steps. Please call your local office to speak with an Options Counselor, 1-877-883-5378.
Family Caregiver Support Program
The Family Caregiver Support Progarm (FCSP) provides funding and services to aid caregivers in theri caregiver role.
In order to be eligiblt for financial assistance for services, you must either be the grandparent or older relative caregiver age 60 or older who has legal custody or guardianship of a child age 18 or younger or you must be an adult family member or another individual who is an informal or unpaid provider of in-home and/or community care to an individual age 60 or older.
This FCSP provides assistance to caregivers in gaining access to supportive services such as supportive home care, transportation, respite care and/or adult day care.A support group is held monthly and is open to all family caregivers.
The Aging/Long-Term Care Unit also has a loan library filled wiht resource materials such as videos and books on caregiving and other related topics. Contact the ADRC for more information.
Copy LinkGuardians
The Adult Protective Service Worker petitions the courts for guardianships on behalf of elderly and developmentally disabled adult. In some cases friends and family members serve as guardians for a loved one in need. In other cases, the person in need of a guardian does not have any family or friends to serve as guardian. In these instances, we need the assistance of a volunteer guardian.
The Adult Protective Services Worker keeps a list of current volunteer guardians. At this time, there is a tremendous shortage of volunteers. We have more people in need of a guardian and not enough people willing to serve as guardians. Volunteer guardians play an important role in the lives of those they serve. This is a great opportunity to volunteer your services to the community without a tremendous amount of time committed to being a guardian.
If you would like more information or an application, please feel free to call the Adult Protective Services Worker, Monday through Friday 8:00-4:30.
Copy LinkSenior Sentinel Newsletter
All areas of Green Lake County are provided with “response to call-in”, door-to-door transportation services to any person 55 years of age and older or any handicapped person. The priority areas of the programs are to provide transportation to medical appointments, congregate meal sites, and other personal appointments necessary for daily living.
The services are available five days a week, Monday through Friday. The transportation director should be called two days before a local ride is needed and one week before medical appointments in larger cities.
In Green Lake [(920)294-6912] and Princeton [(920)295-6612], transportation is done by volunteer drivers using private vehicles.
In Berlin [(920)361-5422 transportation is done by a van that is equipped with a wheelchair lift for the handicapped.
Copy LinkVolunteerism
One of the keystones to the American way of life is volunteering to help others for the reward of giving back to the community. Volunteerism provides an outlet for your interests and concerns, and gives you a good feeling knowing that you have made a positive difference in someone else’s quality of life. Volunteers play a vital role in area nursing homes, senior centers and hospitals. Volunteers also play a major role in many of the programs and services administered by the Green Lake County Aging & Long Term Care Unit. Individuals can volunteer their time with various Aging & Long Term Care Unit programs such as the county food pantry, the Senior Dining and Home-Delivered Meal Programs, as a Peer Counselor, or as a Volunteer Guardian to name a few.
If you are interested in volunteering at the Green Lake Aging Department you can apply by submitting the following completed application and background information disclosure to the address or email stated on the application form:
Green Lake County Food Pantry Application:
Volunteer Application – Food Pantry
Background Information Disclosure form – Additional Volunteer Application Paperwork
Green Lake County Meal Sites/Driver Application:
Volunteer Application – Meal Sites/Drivers
Background Information Disclosure form – Additional Volunteer Application Paperwork
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