Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee – purpose shall be:
- to promote the public health, safety, convenience, and general welfare;
- to encourage planned and orderly land use development; to recognize the need for agriculture, forestry, industry, and business in future growth;
- to encourage uses of land and other natural resources which are in accordance with their character and adaptability;
- to preserve wetlands; to conserve soil, water and forest resources;
- to protect the beauty and amenities of landscape and man-made developments;
- to provide healthy surroundings for family life; and to promote the efficient and economical use of public lands.
This Committee shall be the governing committee for the Land Use Planning and Zoning Department.
This Committee shall be responsible for developing a Comprehensive Plan under Is. Stats. §§66.1001 and 59.69(2) or (3) for all unincorporated areas of the County. The powers and duties of the Committee shall be
- as specified by the Green Lake County Chapter 350 Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 338 Shoreland Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 315 Land Division Ordinance, Chapter 300 Floodplain Ordinance, Chapter 334 Private Sewage Ordinance, Chapter 323 Non-Metallic Mining and any other ordinance deemed necessary by the County Board;
- assist in the implementation of the enforcement of the Farmland Preservation Plan and any other plan(s) as deemed necessary by the County Board;
- and shall further have the responsibilities delegated to it by said ordinances in relation to the County Zoning Maps, together with such other powers and duties as are specified in §§ 59.69, 59.692, 87.30, and 281.31 Wis. Stats., as well as any other sections of Wisconsin Statutes relating thereto and affecting the general area of responsibility of the Committee as set forth herein and any further duties and responsibilities as may be designated from time to time by the County Board.
The Land Use Planning and Zoning Committee shall consist of five (5) Supervisors appointed by the County Board Chair and confirmed by the County Board.
Term Length
Two (2) year or until a successor has been appointed and confirmed.
First Thursday of each month – County Board Room, Government Center, 571 County Road A, Green Lake WI 54941
For the exact date/time and location of meetings, please refer to the calendar of events.