The Administrative Committee will be the Supervising Committee for the following appointed officials: County Administrator and Corporation Counsel. The committee shall review and recommend to the County Board the salaries for elected officials, constitutional officers, employees and the County Board of Supervisors. Other powers and responsibilities are outlined Ordinance 08-2024.
The Administrative Committee shall consist of 7 members as follows: the County Board Chair, a member of the Highway Committee, a member of the Public Safety & Judicial Committee, a member of the Land, Water, Parks & Community Committee, a member of the DHHS Board, a member of the Finance & Insurance Committee, and a member of the Land Use Planning & Zoning Committee as appointed by the County Board Chair. The County Board Chair shall be the Chair of the Committee and the County Clerk acts as Secretary to the Committee. Committee members shall serve for two years or until a successor has been elected or appointed.
Term Length
Two (2) years or until a successor has been elected or appointed.
A regular meeting of the Administrative Committee shall be held monthly and place as advertised by the Committee. Special meetings shall be held as determined necessary by the Committee and shall be duly advertised. County Board Room, Government Center, 571 County Road A, Green Lake WI 54941 For the exact date/time and location of meetings, please refer to the calendar of events.
More information can be found in Ordinance 08-2024 regarding the Administrative Committee.