Green Lake County Aging/ADRC Unit is looking for your thoughts and ideas that will help us improve programs and services for the residents of Green Lake County as they age. Your answers will help us develop a Three-Year Plan. If you would like to answer the following questions, we would appreciate your input. *Aging and Senior Population for this Survey is considered 55 and older. Email(Required) What is your age group? 18-30 31-54 55-70 71-105 What do you think are the top three things that need to improve to help adults in our community as they age? Please check three: Alternative transportation options Food delivery options Access to healthy food Home health options Help with social isolation and loneliness Help understanding Medicare and drug plan choices Ways to keep fit and healthy Help with home repairs and upkeep Affordable housing options Support for family caregivers Dementia support and services Access for people with disabilities Access and use of Technology Other (Please list below) Other: Out of the services listed below for Seniors, what do you feel are lacking / face challenges in your community? Home Health – Medical Services Home Delivered Meals Transportation Adult Day Services Caregiver Programs Medical Facilities Social and Recreational Activities Volunteer Opportunities Supportive Home Care and Chore Services Food Pantry Employment Adaptive Equipment Fraud and Scams Other (Please list below) Other: If any unmet needs exist, what are they for yourself or others you know that fit the Senior Population?If you are a caregiver for a spouse, family member or friend, what resources do you think are most important for the county to provide?What activities in the community are making a positive difference for adults?Are there services or events you have heard of in other communities that you think would be helpful to older adults in Green Lake County?CAPTCHA